'Creativity > 3D Graphics' 카테고리의 다른 글

Introduction to Game Engine  (0) 2019.05.10
3D Demo Reel - 2017-2018  (0) 2018.02.15
SBS Game Academy Game Graphic - Second month  (0) 2016.01.22
SBS Game Academy Game Graphic - First month  (0) 2016.01.22

Week 1-7 - Introduction to Figure Drawing (Short Poses & Gesture Line Drawing)

7 minute poses


3 minute poses




Week 8 - Head Drawing (Portrait)


Week 9-11 - Hands and Feet





Week 9-15 - Figure Drawing (Long poses & Rendering)

Week 1-7 - Introduction to Analysis of Form and Drapery


Week 7-9 - Torso


Week 10-12 - Still Life


Week 13-15 - Portrait (Displayed in Spring Show 2019)

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