Week 1-7 - Introduction to Figure Drawing (Short Poses & Gesture Line Drawing)

7 minute poses


3 minute poses




Week 8 - Head Drawing (Portrait)


Week 9-11 - Hands and Feet





Week 9-15 - Figure Drawing (Long poses & Rendering)

Week 1-7 - Introduction to Analysis of Form and Drapery


Week 7-9 - Torso


Week 10-12 - Still Life


Week 13-15 - Portrait (Displayed in Spring Show 2019)

Pencil Drawing

Daily Item

Car Key

Mercedes-Benz Key


Jin Reference

First Day


Second Day

Fourth Day

Fifth Day

Jungkook Reference

Sixth Day

Seventh Day

Eighth Day

Ninth Day

Tenth Day

Eleventh Day

Twelveth Day

Final Product

Hand Anatomy/Drawing
Pencil Drawing

Basic composition
Shading with pastel in black and white & color

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