
'Creativity > Digital Drawings' 카테고리의 다른 글

Elements of Digital Painting  (0) 2019.05.10
Game Design Portfolio - Hansel and Gretel  (0) 2018.02.16
Digital Painting Mastercopy  (0) 2016.07.15

Booth Promotion

This poster was made to welcome new, transfer, and continuing students of UCI.
Also, this poster was made to promote our club, KOJOBS UCI.
We were opening a booth in the school to inform our club to the students; therefore, we promoted the event.

KOJOBS UCI Fall 2015 General Meeting - Sori (Sound): the Place (Jari) of Communication (Sotong)


This poster was for our fall General Meeting.
The general meeting is to introduce our club to Korean UCI students and to recruit new staffs for our club.
Furthermore, we divided the students into three groups with similar majors so they can meet more people and talk to each other.
We had question sheets to draw and each student draw one question and answered the question.
The questions had various topics such as casual and daily life, major, dream, and goal after graduation.

KOJOBS UCI 5th Staff Recruitment
2015.10.07 - 2015.10.10

This poster is to recruit new staffs for KOJOBS UCI.

Resume Info Session - Offline Meeting

This poster is for resume information session, which is to help students to write resume.
We gave out information about how to write good resume and gave advice to make the preexisting resume into a better format.
This event was the first sequence of a series of event.

ELITE: The Liar

This event is the third annual event of ELITE.
This event was a casual event using the games from a Korean TV program called "The Genius".
We used game from both "The Genius - Rule Breaker" and "The Genius - Black Garnet".

KOMMENT - KOJOBS Mentoring Event

This event is the second annual event of KOMMENT.
This event was a mentoring event of UCI students about different companies such as Blizzard Entertainment, Broadcom, and SK E&C.
This event was also the second event of the sequence, which is following after the Resume Info Session.
The focus of the event was on the interview, just like the sequence of the application of a career.

This event consisted of important tips for the interview and a mock interview.

ELITE: The Last Brain

This event was a casual event using the games from a Korean TV program called "The Genius".

We used game from both "The Genius - The Rules of the Game" and "The Genius - Rule Breaker".

Welcome Week & Anteater Involvement Fair
2014.09.29 - 2014.10.01

This poster was made to welcome new, transfer, and continuing students of UCI.

Also, this poster was made to promote our club, KOJOBS UCI.

KOJOBS UCI Fall 2014 General Meeting

This poster was for our fall General Meeting.
The general meeting is to introduce our club to Korean UCI students and to recruit new staffs for our club.

KOJOBS UCI 4th Staff Recruitment
2014.10.08 - 2014.10.14

This poster is to recruit new staffs for KOJOBS UCI.

KOJOBS UCI 3rd Offline Meeting: Mentoring Session

This event was to give useful academic information to other UCI students.

Add the Dream - Job Seminar for international students

This event was a seminar for international students to give information about job searching in the United States.

The information was about jobs after graduation, the preparation process, job interviews, graduate school, jobs in Korea and the United States, Resume, Visa and permanent residence. 

ELITE: The Ruler of Probability

This event was a casual event using the games from a Korean TV program called "The Genius".
We used game from both "The Genius - Rule Breaker" and "The Genius - Black Garnet".

Company Tour - Blizzard Entertainment

This event was a company tour to Blizzard Entertainment.

KOJOBS UCI 5th Staff Recruitment
2015.04.07 - 2015.04.10

This poster is to recruit new staffs for KOJOBS UCI.

KOMMENT - KOJOBS Mentoring Event

This event was a mentoring event for UCI students about different companies such as Blizzard Entertainment, Broadcom, Panasonic, and YTN.
However, YTN eventually could not arrange the schedule to come to UCI although they were willing to give information; 
therefore, we held the event with other three companies.


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